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To help you understand some words used in the different articles I propose you here their definition

Sexist Discriminations : To distinguish one thing from another with according to gender

Western countries : Part of the Northern hemisphere located on the side where the sun sets. and which counts All the people living in the countries of Western Europe like Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg etc.

Eastern countries : It defines the countries located in the East of Europe as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen.

Iniquity : Character of what is iniquitous, unjust

Emancipation : Emancipation would be a passage, or a break, the independent becoming of a person who would cease to be subjected to a domination, who would reach a free exercise of the will, or who would finally find in herself the power to decide the meaning of her acts.

Conservative : Conservatism is a political philosophy that favors traditional values.  

Pro-life : Pro-life refers to a movement of associations and individuals, often close to religious movements, defending the "right to life" through opposition to "abortion rights", euthanasia, and sometimes to certain forms of contraception.

Pro-choice : The pro-choice movement in North America refers to the set of movements that defend the political and ethical idea that women should have control over their pregnancy and fertility.

Judicial bypass : This is a pass that gives permission for an abortion without involving a parent or legal guardian.

Law : In law, law is a legal rule

U.S. Congress : Is a bicameral legislature consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. they vote on and make laws.

filibuster : Is a parliamentary technique to delay the passage of legislation as long as possible using the chamber's rule-making resources

Supreme Court : The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial branch in the United States and the court of last resort. Article III of the U.S. Constitution establishes a Supreme Court and authorizes Congress to establish inferior courts, which it has done.  

Crisis pregnancy center : These are organizations that seek to intercept pregnant women who may be considering abortion. Their mission is to persuade them not to have an abortion.