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What is the place of feminism in the United States?

What is feminism?

Feminism is a movement, which appeared in the 19th century, and which believes in and desires for equality between the sexes. This movement allows women to fight for their rights such as the right to vote or the right to abortion. It also allows them to express themselves on the different problems they encounter in their daily life by sharing their experience in front of sexist discriminations. On a global scale, feminism is defined and evolves differently in each country. For example, in some Western countries the movement is tolerated and grows. While in some Eastern countries it is the opposite, it struggles to develop, and is even non-existent.

illustration trois femmes
illustration of three women

Feminism in the United States.

In the United States, feminism appeared in the 1800s during the struggle for the right to vote and for full citizenship, equal to that of men. For the questioning of marriage and inequity within the family sphere. It was a hard fight because at that time giving rights to a woman or imagining equality between women and men were two unthinkable ideas.

Frances Wright, Maria W. Stewart and Angelina Grimké are the first three well-known feminists in the United States. They spoke out for the emancipation of women and marked a turning point in the history of feminism in the United States. Moreover, we can also talk about Ruth Bader a real icon of women's rights, she used her status to fight for feminism and in favor of abortion.

image droit de vote des femmes
illustration of three women

Nevertheless a real problem is growing in the United States, the movement evolves differently in the 50 states of the USA. They all have their own laws and their own visions. For example, Texas, one of the most conservative states, is formally opposed to all feminist approaches by doing violent altercations. Unlike New York, a state where feminism thrives and is part of its own culture.

carte des état des État-unis
Map of the different states which constitute the United States

If you want to learn more, I suggest you follow this link, to the second article dealing with abortion in the United States.

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