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About us

About us

I am a first year student at the "BUT métier du multimédia et de l'internet" in Montbéliard. I made this website as part of an individual project in the first semester. The theme is about feminism and aims to raise awareness about this subject. I love the United States and its culture, so I focused my research on this country. This is how my website Women' Era was born.

The site proposes the discovery of the feminism Women's Era by highlighting the discriminations and the fight of women in the United States. A fight for their rights and in particular the right to abortion which is constantly being restricted. We see the difficult path they have taken and continue to take. In spite of all, feminists do not lose hope for a better future.  I hope that the articles and the culture poits you more if you wish it you can contact me.

If you liked my project and you want to know more about feminism, I suggest you to discover the different works of my classmates.

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