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Abortion in the United States

What is abortion?

Abortion is one of three choices available to a woman when she becomes pregnant. She can carry the pregnancy to term and raise the baby, place the baby for adoption or she can end the pregnancy by having an abortion. 

Illustration d’un teste de grossese positive
Illustration of a positive pregnancy test

There are two types of abortions, medication and surgical. A surgical abortion is a short 10 to 15 minute procedure that takes place at a clinic or hospital and is performed by a health care provider using local anesthesia. A health care provider uses gentle suction to remove the fetus from the uterus through the vagina. A medication abortion is a procedure that uses pills prescribed by a health care provider to end a pregnancy. It can be started either in a medical office or at home. It's caused cramping and bleeding to empty the uterus through the vagina.

Illustration d’un utérus
Illustration of a uterus

Law and abortion in the United States.

In the United States, feminism appeared in the 1800s during the struggle for the right to vote and for full citizenship, equal to that of men. For the questioning of marriage and inequity within the family sphere. It was a hard fight because at that time giving rights to a woman or imagining equality between women and men were two unthinkable ideas.

The primary law regarding abortion that applies to all 50 states in the United States is the Roe v. Wade Act. Wade Act. A law passed for women by the Supreme Court on January 22, 1973, which recognizes the right to abortion at the federal level and prohibits individual states from banning abortion. It represents a threat to the majority of Republicans who are pro-life, anti-abortion. They have as their goal and priority to overturn it. 

Illustration of a pregnant woman surrounded by hands which compress her
Illustration of a pregnant woman surrounded by hands which compress her

Also, in each state, as mentioned above, there are many laws pretaining to abortion and every state’s laws are different. In some states young people need their parent’s permission to get an abortion. In most of these states, young people may instead seek a judicial bypass as in Georgia or Florida. This is when a young person goes in front of a juge to prove they’re mature enough to make a decision about their unwanted pregnancy without permission from a parent. In most states abortion is legal, but there are many restrictions in place to make it difficult or impossible to obtain. This is the case for Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana, states that have passed laws that prohibit abortion after about six weeks, which is before many women realize they are pregnant. 

Information that can be found in the article "The Crusade Against Abortion Rights in the United States". By Laurie Marguet, who identifies the politics behind the abortion debate. .

If you want to learn more, I suggest you to follow this link, to the second article about feminism and the abortion restriction in the United States.

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